Rockets & Regs is a blog about technology, law, and policy -- sometimes at the same time.
Officially launched on the fiftieth anniversary of President Kennedy's "Moon Speech", this blog seeks to highlight the ways that technology and government interact. The "Moon Speech" marked an important moment for both technology and government, as the United States made it a top priority to ensure the advancement of a cutting-edge experiment.
Since the Moon Speech, much has changed, and if anything the relationship between government and civil technology has grown much more complicated. Nearly everything the government does implicates technology, and nearly all technologies have important implications for how the government can and does regulate its citizens.
This blog will explore that interplay, touching on issues of public-private partnership, communications, research and "pure" science, civil and military technologies, and the role of private individuals in both industry and government.
Obligatory disclaimer: Nothing in this blog should be construed as legal advice or relied upon as such. This blog is for informational and academic purposes only. Only a licensed attorney specifically consulted for legal advice can provide legal advice.